The weekly egg diet is considered one of the most popular due to its short duration and nutritional value. This plan is easy to follow because you can take simple lunches and dinners with you to work or school.

Description and characteristics of the egg diet
The diet is easily tolerated, despite only 3 meals. The proteins in eggs are digested slowly and the fiber in fruits and vegetables helps keep you full.
This is a low-carb, low-fat diet. A person's interest in food decreases because sharp increases in blood glucose levels due to a lack of simple carbohydrates do not occur. And ketones produced by the liver suppress hunger.
However, excessive protein consumption puts a strain on the kidneys, which causes problems with eliminating waste products. You can adhere to this diet for a limited time and if your health conditions allow it. If your health worsens, you should immediately switch to your usual diet.
Basic rules
In order for the program to achieve maximum results, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Drink at least 1. 5 liters of fluids a day. This will help prevent digestive system problems.
- Eat lots of vegetables or drink fiber in the morning.
- Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs in a ratio of 1 to 3.
- The last meal should be no later than 19: 00-20: 00.
- You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day and go to bed no later than 22-23 hours.
- During cooking you can use any seasonings and lemon juice to improve the taste.
- It is not recommended to eat raw eggs. They are boiled hard or parboiled. Other foods can be grilled, steamed or baked. Fat-free frying is acceptable.
- The diet should not be repeated more than 1-2 times a year.
- To achieve results in a short time, it is recommended to exercise regularly. You can do daily morning exercises and go to the gym.
- To avoid breakdowns, in rare cases eggs are replaced with other protein foods: lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese.

Principle of operation
The egg diet is low in carbohydrates. To compensate for the lack of energy, the source of which are carbohydrates, the body will have to transform fat mass into ketone bodies. In this way intense weight loss occurs.
Benefits and harms
Benefits of the diet:
- eggs are a tasty independent food and can be an ingredient in various dishes;
- quick and easy preparation of egg-based dietary foods;
- this diet is suitable for people actively involved in sports;
- egg proteins have a positive effect on nails, skin and hair;
- even small portions of egg dishes satisfy hunger well.

Disadvantages of the diet:
- unbalanced diet;
- Excess protein and lack of carbohydrates can lead to malaise, migraines and bad breath.
If any negative changes occur in your health, you should stop the diet and consult a doctor.
Varieties of egg diet
There are different types of egg diets.
Maggi 4 week weight loss program is the most effective because it allows you to lose 25 kg. A further advantage of the diet is that the results obtained are consolidated for a long time. Despite the length of the program, it is easily tolerated due to the high number of fruits and vegetables in the diet. For 3 weeks, foods are consumed in limited quantities.
The 7-day program involves consuming 4-6 eggs per day. Make sure you eat them for breakfast. It is recommended to eat lean meat or fish for lunch or dinner 2 times a week. In 7 days you can lose 10 kg. In some cases it is possible to extend the diet for another week.

The egg and orange diet differs from other types in that the entire diet is reduced to boiled eggs, fresh grapefruits and oranges. This program allows you to quickly lose a few kilograms. The main rule is to drink lots of water. Eggs and citrus fruits should be consumed alternately and every hour during the day. The last meal is no later than 20-21 hours.
The maximum duration of the diet is 5-7 days. The safest option is 3-4 days. During this period you can lose 2-5 kg.
Allowed and prohibited products
In addition to eggs and citrus fruits, the diet includes many other permitted foods:
- chicken fillet, beef, rabbit meat;
- red and white fish;
- vegetables;
- plums, apples and pears;
- low-fat, unsalted dairy products/fermented milk;
- Tea and coffee;
- spices.

The following are prohibited:
- sugar, honey;
- alcohol;
- Potato;
- flours and pasta, cereals;
- sour cream, mayonnaise;
- chocolate, sweets;
- nuts, dried fruit;
- grapes, bananas;
- any fats;
- soft cheeses;
- fatty meats.
Reduce salt intake.
Sample menu for the week
Monday menu:
- Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, grapefruit, 200 ml of hot green tea.
- Lunch: boiled or steamed chicken fillet (160 g), 1 egg, orange.
- Dinner: a piece of boiled chicken, 1 tbsp. kefir

Tuesday's diet:
- Boiled egg (1-2 pieces), 1 tbsp. citrus juice.
- 150 g stewed chicken meat, citrus fruits, 1 tbsp. mineral water.
- 2 hard-boiled eggs, grapefruit, 1 tbsp. milk.
Environment Menu:
- 1 egg, 1 tbsp. water with lemon.
- 200 g of boiled veal, citrus fruits.
- Boiled egg (1-2 pieces), 1 tbsp. mineral water.
Detailed diet for Thursday:
- Steamed 3 egg omelette with herbs.
- 2 boiled chicken legs, lettuce, cucumbers.
- 2 citrus fruits, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 tbsp. waterfall.

Friday menu:
- Boiled carrot salad, 2 hard-boiled eggs, low-fat sour cream.
- 2 carrots, 1 tbsp. Orange juice.
- Stewed sea fish, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 tbsp. mineral water.
Saturday diet:
- 150 g of ricotta, 1 tbsp. citrus juice.
- 2 grapefruits, 2 hard-boiled eggs.
- Mineral water in any quantity.

Sunday menu:
- ½ citrus fruit, hard-boiled egg (1-2 pcs. ).
- 200 g boiled beef, orange.
- Mineral water in any quantity.
What are the possible contraindications?
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not eat an egg-based diet. This diet is not suitable for people who have been diagnosed with the following problems:
- egg allergy;
- intolerance to citrus fruits;
- increased blood cholesterol levels;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- liver dysfunction.

How to exit a diet correctly
They come off the egg diet without any problems. To prevent the weight from returning, continue to consume diet foods periodically, especially during the first week after completing your weight loss program.
Possible results
In 7 days you can lose at least 3 kg, maximum 10 kg.